It’s Party Time!

The Party is not over yet! The previous two posts and the comments there have piqued my curiosity. And it’s getting the better of me. 😀

While admitting that poori-bhaji is a national (if not yet international) favourite, I cook it infrequently in this seemingly health-conscious age. I am always reminded of it on the day of Ramnavmi, when I see neighbourhood kids (mainly girls – they are revered on this day only 🙂 ) flitting from one house to the next and their growing piles of poori-halwa and chana.

I am getting the feeling that some of us may have deprived ourselves too long! So, I implore all of you to join in the party and make some poori-bhaji for a change. You could start with a longer walk in the morning or burn it off later in the evening as you go shopping this weekend or the next.

The rules are simple:

  • Cook poori-bhaji this week (Aug 12-Aug 19), write a post about it (with or without a recipe 😀 ), how you enjoyed it, maybe a picture of the meal and/or the family enjoying the meal.
  • Too hot to fry? Go out and get some! The portion will be right, and you don’t have to fry ‘nothing’! Write a post about it, and how you really enjoyed it!
  • Link to this post (which will be updated next week to include my poori-bhaji. Of course, I have to make it again; these pics are from months ago!) You may, if you like, use a Pingback and it will automatically show up in the comments here. Or leave a comment here which will lead us to your post!
  • Don’t have a blog? You can still join the party; just leave a comment here about how you enjoyed your poori-bhaji! Feel free to provide links to any pictures you may have posted on a photo-sharing site such as Flickr or Photobucket.

Never made poori-bhaji before but would like to join in the party? Here’s the simplest of recipes to get you started! There are suggestions for variations too.

If a health condition prevents you from enjoying these foods, we understand. Responsible cooking and eating comes first. Always.

It is also India’s Independence Day this week, on August 15. Another reason to celebrate! I hope all of you (Indians as well as those of other nationalities) will join in!

Update: Aug 15

Independence Day Greetings to all.

There are still many miles to go, and promises to keep. But our democracy has survived 60 years, despite it all. But today, no rants. Just kick back and marvel at the tenacity of our motherland and her people. Have some poori-bhaji.

We had a leisurely brunch today: methi ki poori (using crushed dried methi) with aloo-bhaji. The recipe is here. Have a good one.

the family enjoying methi poori, aloo bhaji, with aam ka Punjabi achar


Keep them rolling!

Final update on Mon, Aug 20.

Published by


A self professed urban ecologist!

91 thoughts on “It’s Party Time!”

  1. If it gets any hotter, I will simply collapse and melt into another blob. Can you please bribe the weather gods to blow some cool our way? This week. Certainly! Puri bhaji!

    Have it your way, make puri bhaji! 😆

  2. Naughty! Would have loved to join but might not be possible this week though due to logistical reasons. And ah yes, the heat. It ain’t much of a frying season right now. 😦

    Well, I added rule #2! You have no excuses now!

    You think it is frying/baking/cooking/eating season here?! It’s bloody 37 degrees C and 80% RH! “It’s a sauna in here!”

  3. It’s only 37 deg in Delhi? That’s night temp here 🙂 Day time it merely burns.:))

    Yes, but is it that humid in Sharjah?! And I bet your kitchen is ac!

  4. i had already blogged abt it, but to join ur party, will republish it.. yeah, poori bhaji is my sunday morning break from bread and egg of the rare indian breakfasts I make as I am too hungry to cook in the morn. and my hub looks forward to it after his soccer practice.

    so this independence day we declare poori bhaji as the national favorite..why one week? why not on that day?

    That is when I’m making it! But I’ve left it open to be more flexible…(pss…my first attempt at an event, want to make sure a few of you can actually juggle it in!)

  5. I make Puri Saagu once a month or so.I have posted a few combos too. I will do it again for you missy!:)
    Heat shmeet, fat shmat, who cares!!;D

    That’s the spirit, girl!

  6. Anita, here it is:
    loved doing it.

    How do I do a Pingback from blogger? (the link is good enough)

    And here’s the first entry. Thanks ISG!

    It’s an entirely new recipe for me: with amchur and dahi in the aloo bhaji, and milk to knead the poori dough!

  7. Oh, that’s a fantastically-wonderfully-darn-good proposition! Yes… I’m in.

    So that link is for the simplest of recipes? Where would the most complicated one be? heehee 🙂 No worry; I have a few hanging around here somewhere I’m sure- I’ll check in my globe thistle. 😉

  8. Aw! I wish I cud join yr party. But I can’t take fat due to my recent illness. Since its 1 week from now, I hope I get better and try this. For a long time, I have this poori craving though. Its been more than a year I have had poori 😦

  9. hi anita
    thanks for telling a typical station bhaji recipe…i made it on this sunday morning in brunch…hubby loved that…it was a new taste altogether…yummy..i also made some boondi raita with it…went well with that…so its celebration time with your party…thanks again…

  10. Manisha: soft and crunchy? Khoooooosssshhhh…. that’s fun to say! It’s like cushion…but cooooshion minus the “un”.

    ISG: that looks like a good recipe; I like the dahi in the mix.

  11. Hey Anita,

    Had visited your site earlier… but writing in for the 1st time today after reading the poori-bhaji recipe. Reminds me of all those picnic days in school when mom would pack a lunch of yummy poori-bhaji. The bhaji would be sukha though with sliced onions, and ginger garlic paste with a tadka of mustard seeds and green chillies and tasted yummy.

    I try to make it once a week for my 4 year old son who has just recently started eating his meals on his own and he too loves it!

    However, while we Maharashtrians treat it as lunch and on special festive occasions it is accompanied with masala bhaat, raita, buttermilk and srikhand or basundi as a sweet dish i have seen North Indians treating pooris as a breakfast item served with different types of subzi.

    Will keep in touch…


    You’re right, it is usually served as a breakfast item…but at all special meals too.
    Hope to see more of you!

  12. If we’re not traveling that day, S and I will come over and eat poori bhaji with all of you. You didn’t define family now, did you?


  13. the poori chaney & halwa during kanchken’ tastes sooo good, what with some spices from the chane getting into the halwa 🙂
    BTW, congratulations on ur blog-anniv!

    Thanks, Richa. I love the sweet-salty taste. Last year I actually made some and ate them mixed – the taste of nostalgia!

  14. Courtesy you, i enjoyed a sumptuous brunch y’day 🙂

    hugs and love to you for the same, Anita!

    Looking forward to your version – I bet it has a serving of achar as well!

  15. Hi Anita.. Guess what? I just had poori in the office canteen.. I had it with the kheer(given as Independence Day special)… So I still got to go to the Party 😀

    Thanks for joining, Mary! Happy Independence Day!

  16. Oh no… I NEVER deep fry because of my niggling worries about an expanding waistline. But you’re uber simple poori recipe sounds so tempting!!

    NEVER say never! Give in to the temptation, just this once! 😉

  17. Swatantra Dina Subhakamina and a happy, merry blog anniversary, Anita! Wishing you many more years of creative blogging and delicious eats!

    Party time with puri-bhajia? Yum, yum, yum! My event inertia is gone. 🙂 It’s going to be puri time at my home tomorrow and once I am done with lunch, I’m going to dress up for the party. 🙂

    Thank you, Indira.
    Yes, I forgot to mention – everyone, please dress up for the party! 😆

  18. Poori-halwa, kala chana on Ramnavami ? Oh ! dont remind me of that. I used to be one of the ‘kanyas’ collecting ‘kanchak'( i hope i am saying this right ! its been ages). I shamelessly have to admit that in this health-conscious age I make puri regularly at home b’se hubby dear loves it. I did a post on poori/bhaji sometime back. Do I need to re-publish it ? Here is the link puri-masala

    Good for you (to make puri regularly).
    Yes, those were the days. A neighbour used to take pity and invite me over even after I was married and all! 😉
    Yes, you need to write a new post!
    Yeh nahi chalega, Krithika. It’s Independence Day we are celebrating!

  19. Happy Independence Day Anita! I’ll be preparing my pooris later when I get home. Thanks for bringing us the idea…

    Look forward to your version…I’m sure it will not be ‘the simplest’!

  20. Your ultimate victory na!!!!!
    No glee at my mention of making your green chilli pickles 😦 sob sob

    Of course, that too! Check your comments! 😆

  21. We had poori-bhaji past week on last sat. While my IL’s were enjoying the dish I was juz sweating out frying those pooris in kitchen 😉 and sadly I missed to see your post on this poori/puri party…I did not take any pictures…may not be able to join in…but curious to see those party entries, have a nice day!

    Check them out – the bhaji variety is amazing!

  22. Its been ages since I made poori bhaji. I hate frying anything on my coil, one because I dont think the taste is retained and second because at one time I accidently spilled some oil on the coil and set it on fire! But this is very very tempting!

    Are you giving in then? 😀

  23. Ahhh I came here thru shaheen’s..I did make poori and Bhaji just 2 days back..Hmm lemme see if I can do it for the entry :)..minus the pic of my family enjoying..coz they might NOT if i do it twice a week…:)..Good provoking venture,Anita..:)

  24. Wow! It’s poori-bhaji everywhere in the blogosphere.. Temptation..temptation.. let me see, maybe I will fry some tomorrow to join your party. 🙂

  25. Hi Anita,

    You made me do it!! I rejoined gym just last week to try and shed all that post pregnancy weight, but the temptation was too much :)…

    Made me come out of hibernation as well! Will try to put up my post today…THough as my camera has given up on me, will not be able to post any pictures.

    And yes congratulations to you and your blog :)…

    Made the Zamadood and the green chilli pickle recently…Both SUPER!

  26. Hello Anita, i just went thru your post and i happened to prepare Poori for the breakfast today. Will post my entry right now for the event. Hope you will enjoy it and accept it. 🙂

  27. Anita,
    Happy anniversary. Wish you have many more such happy reasons to celebrate. You are one of the bloggers whose posts I have been enjoying, even before I started blogging. Keep up the good work.
    I have posted ‘Poori Bhaji’ recipe on my blog for your party. Unitentionally, I made kasoori methi pooris too. I thought you made fresh methi pooris.:)

  28. Sorry about the typo!
    Oh dear,I’m late, in spite of myself! I’m sorry about that as well!

    It’s just a Party! You are very much ‘in time’! 😀 and boy, what an entry!

  29. i literally went crazy looking at all those puris mushrooming all over the food blogosphere – went so mad that i made “pani puri” for dinner (yes, dinner) on saturday.

    posting will be only by today evening, so it will be rather delayed to be a part of your party but i still want to link to the origin of this sudden inspiration to make puris for dinner!!! 🙂

    Of course, how can we leave out the Queen of puris?!

  30. Hey,
    This party is really infectious and I had one in my home too – Puri with Dum Aloo (Sandeepa’s recipe).

    I am not a blogger but certainly an ardent food blog reader … Thanks for inviting non-bloggers

  31. Hey Anita, its raining pooris in the blogsphere. your party is rocking for sure. I too have made some pooris for the party, Hope the is place in your table. hope I am not late for the party:)

  32. Hi Anita!

    I started my blog very recently. My husband and I enjoyed eating poori-aloo after a long time 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! 😀

    And btw, I love your blog!

  33. Oops.. missed out One Page Cookbook :: 1001 Pooris is at


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